This article was originally published on DrGraduate
Addressing The Elephant In The Room
If there is one way to address awkward situations, that way is to probably crack a joke that acknowledges the awkwardness and, as a bonus, educates everyone as well. Though down syndrome is a fairly common condition, many people still know very little about it, including how to approach it.
So this guy decided to make things easier for everyone by clarifying that it’s all good - it’s just an extra chromosome.
Defying Mom
Defying our mothers is not the best decision we can ever make in life. But this guy was ready to prove a point with his senior photo, and that point included that he was not afraid of standing up to his mother.
So when he chose the most random and hilarious costume to be in his yearbook photo, his mom warned him to not “dare to use it as a senior picture” - but he did!
Making The Best Out Of The Situation
Kids who grew up with some of the most “unusual” names in school will definitely identify with this one.
One either accepts that other people will always have difficulty pronouncing the names (unless one is back home), or we make peace with the fact that people will always find a way to mispronounce them. This guy had the best strategy to go about it.
Twins For The Win
Growing up as twins is probably one of the best experiences one can have. You get to grow up with a best friend forever, who literally looks the same as you.
In high school in particular, it must be extremely fun to have that person to always go to. These two twins decided to have some fun and leave their hilarious mark in the yearbook.
A Clever Way Of Coming Out
Coming out in high school is not an easy task. It can be scary and nerve-wracking to finally reveal something that can so often be discriminated against. So this guy did so in the most original way possible.
He took it to his yearbook quote to make things very clear, he was smart and had been a straight A+ student, and he was also not straight.
Giving Other Girls A Chance
Growing up a hijabi definitely has its perks, especially in high school. At a time where one is literally figuring out who one is, it can probably be fun to not have to worry about the way one's hair looks.
This girl made a hilarious joke about the fact that she dressed humbly and wore a hijab, by saying that she only did so to give other girls a chance. You go, girl!
Just Open The Door
There are many sayings out there that get us through life when we need it the most. Sometimes we just need to hear something reassuring to gain the courage to face some of the hardest moments in our lives.
But this girl makes things very simple, and doesn’t need any profound saying to slay it in life! We might want to take her advice.
The Life Of A Bad Boy
Now here’s another great way of making the best out of a really awkward situation. High school isn’t easy, especially if we don’t fall under the “best at something” category.
But this guy just proved to the entire world that sometimes we just need to embrace how bad we are at something to excel in life. And that’s exactly what he did.
Stranger Things Fans Will Understand
There are many incredible teachers in this world, but there are also some teachers out there who just probably chose the wrong profession. For her senior quote, this girl decided to call them out.
She did so by quoting an iconic episode from Stranger Things that literally put things as bluntly as they can be: “You’re really no help at all, you know that?"
Not Scared Of Telling The Truth
Some things in life are just straight up facts and some people are not willing to keep them for themselves, no matter how uncomfortable they may be.
While this senior’s quote may get some people by surprise, it most probably represents many people’s experiences. So she just decided to make things easier and put the truth out there for anyone who wants to hear it.
Another Hilarious Way Of Coming Out
It’s safe to say that some people have the most incredible ways of coming out. And if he is out in the open, then this guy made the most awesome joke about being in the closet for the longest time.
He decided to link it to his impeccable style, while also hilariously pointing out the fact that he spent most of his life “in the closet”.
No Bad Hair Days
Another student reminding us of the many perks of wearing a hijab. This old and modest custom is sometimes misunderstood by many people around the world.
But this girl isn’t taking any of it. She made an awesome joke about the fact that thanks to her hijab, she never ever has to worry about a bad hair day.
Pun Intended
Let’s be honest, puns are some of the best things this world has to offer, especially if we actually know how to pull it off. And if there is one thing this girl does perfectly, it's throwing out a perfect pun.
To close off her high school experience with a golden key, she shared her last pun for everyone to remember her as the awesome pun student.
Embracing Our Imperfections
Every single one of us has something in our bodies that we probably don’t love. We may embrace it (hopefully), but we all know how high school students can be pretty mean.
This guy might have had a hard time with the ear jokes and comments, so he chose to make a joke about it himself in his yearbook - good for you, pal!
“This Is My Actual Last Name”
Okay, if there is one thing that must have been awkward for this student, her classmates, and her teachers, it was her surname.
She probably spent most of her life having to convince people that that was indeed her last name - but man, that must have been really hard. For her senior year quote, she decided to put things out there though.
"You're An Asian, Not A B-Sian"
Asian kids will totally and painfully understand this one. Though the pressure may get slightly less alarming from generation to generation, it is certainly still there.
So Vincent here decided to make a joke of the stereotypical situation by quoting his dad. Apparently, his dad made sure to constantly remind him throughout his school years that he was an Asian, and not a “B-Asian”.
Doctor, Who?
Well, here’s another student who chose to quote a family member, just to outline some of the pressures one gets once we finish high school.
Though this varies from family to family, this girl’s grandma sure made a point for herself. She apparently asked her if now that she was done with school she would just go ahead and become a doctor!
Not A Helpful Experience
Those of us who watched and rewatched High School Musical are probably humming the part of the song that this guy shared here.
But he chose to make things very clear and to call everyone out on the unhelpful experience he had. Although high school musical repeatedly told high school students that “they’re all in this together”, that wasn’t this guy’s feeling at all.
“Serve With Syrup And Enjoy!”
Now here’s someone who just showed the world that there is a very easy way to write something and be funny even when we have no idea what to choose for our yearbook quote.
This guy, for example, just copied his favorite pancake recipe, and voila! He shared it with his entire class, and will always be remembered as the guy who hilariously shared a pancake recipe in the yearbook.
A Knock Knock Joke
There are advantages and disadvantages to having a sibling in the same high school or even two siblings like the Patel family.
Lucky for them, they decided to focus on the positive side of things and even made a knock-knock joke together for their senior quotes. Their parents are probably incredibly proud of the strong bond they have, which is clearly reflected in the yearbook.
“Yes, It's My Real Name”
Well, it must be really tough to grow up with a surname that most of the population can barely say. This guy mustn't have had a great time growing up, having to explain how on earth such an unusual last name landed on him.

He has clearly come to terms with it though since he makes fun of it in his yearbook quote.
“RIP Club Penguin”
Childhood traumas can be pretty daunting, and sometimes, they may last for decades or even forever. Clearly whatever this girl went through with the club penguin ended up being one of the worst experiences of her life - as it even inspired her to mention it in her yearbook.
Now all she can do is hope that her parents never see what she wrote.
The Perks Of Graduating With A Sibling
These two siblings also decided to write their yearbook quotes by sharing something in common. They used the “lemon analogy” to point out a little bit about each of their individual characters.
While Delaney seems to be the kind of person who simply adapts to the situation when it becomes too difficult, Daniel tries to make the best out of it while creating his empire.
Take The Hint
Eduardo and Armani are another pair of brothers who got to experience the wonders of being in high school together. For their yearbook quotes, they decided to do something fun that would not only bring out their personality but also their love life preferences.
Apparently, none of them like coffee, or girls for that matter, which resulted in this hilarious play with words.
“I Am So Gay”
The coming out stories just keep on coming and we’re totally here to support them! Krysta chose to go for a line of her favorite show, Grey’s Anatomy, to express just how she felt.
That particular episode alluded to someone sharing how incredibly gay they were, which probably means that Krysta is hinting something to anyone who reads her yearbook quote.
Pretending To Be A Carrot
Now here is a person who really didn’t have anything else to say, but got out of it with one of the most hilarious quotes in the book. This guy simply took a line that is pretty popular on the internet and made it the line that his classmates and teachers would remember him for.
Well, at least his people will know exactly where to find him.
For Skyrim Fans Only
Not many have heard this line before, in fact, if you don’t know what Skyrim is you might be seeing clouds right now. To summarize briefly, Skyrim is a game that involves some open-world action and a ton of role-playing.
One of the game’s best lines is the one this guy decided to choose as his yearbook quote. He might be trying to say something much bigger though.
“Another Wan Bites The Dust”
Here’s another pun that we are totally living for! This high school probably saw more than one or two Wans graduating, which resulted in one of them creating this hilarious joke.
By changing a word in one of the best lines from a song in the world, this guy created one of the most memorable yearbook quotes of his year.
A Little Sense Of Humor Never Hurts
It’s safe to say that one has to have a very good sense of humor to get this one. But when you get it, it’s hilarious! This guy decided to make fun of the fact that his high school years actually managed to be harder than “crossing the border” to live and pursue the American dream.
Now that he is finishing school though, the truth is finally out there.
Why Feminism Is Important
Another student managed to talk about three extremely serious and controversial topics in one line. With one quote, this girl approached the wage gap, revealed that she intends to have a wife one day, and mentioned a hot topic: feminism.
With her witty way of thinking, we can easily say that she is going to go to great places in the future.
Going The Shorter Way
We all know that life isn’t easy. Though the difficulty comes in different levels to different people, this guy simply accepted his fate and chose to take the shorter path to get to his objective.
Instead of asking God to give him a bike, he realized that things would be much easier if he simply stole the bike first, and then asked God for forgiveness.
Don’t Be Yourself
Another great piece of advice from a student who seems to have it all figured out. Seniors really dig deep into their creative selves in order to write down their memorable yearbook quotes, and this guy sure did so.
He reminded everyone who sucks that there is a way out - all one has to do is be someone else, duh!
“I Found My Super Suit”
For those who have watched The Incredibles, one of the most memorable scenes in the movie was the one where the superhero literally asks his wife “where his super suit is at”. Why is the scene so hilarious, you might ask?
Because we literally never get to see a superhero “be normal” and waste time just looking for his super suit.
“Me Like Rice”
Sometimes it’s really hard to come up with something to write. Let’s face it, it’s a lot of pressure to have to choose one picture and one quote that not only describes yourself but is also smart, funny, witty, and memorable.
So this guy decided to make things very simple and make it short. And we have to say that it doesn’t get more memorable than that.
Quoting Mom
When it gets really hard to come up with something, maybe the best thing to do is to just ask mom for help. That’s exactly what Nadya did. She went to her mom and asked her for a quote.
Though her mom wasn’t ready for it, she ended up sharing the honest truth about what she was thinking. Unfortunately, her daughter went on to quote her.
Using Morse Code To Tell The Truth
If this kid isn’t just brilliant then we don’t know who is! Instead of saying something straight up, this guy literally used morse code to share his senior quote.
Those who manage to translate it quickly realized that he wasn’t making jokes. He actually used some very harsh morse profanity to say his goodbyes to his last year in school.
A Disappointment On A Much Larger Scale
Well, here’s an inspirational quote to live by. High school students seem to be more than ready to bring up the truth since they’re about to leave anyway. So this girl decided to give a very important piece of advice to fellow students and classmates.
She advises everyone to simply aim for the moon, just in case they want to be large-scale disappointments.
So What?
Another great example of someone who didn’t try to force things. This guy accepted the fact that he had nothing to say and went on to literally say that as his yearbook’s quote.
Instead of making up a joke or coming up with some clever saying, he just put the truth out there: was he just supposed to come up with something to be written down?
No Need To Repeat Yourself
This student also chose to leave her quote as the exact same words she said when her teacher told her she needed to decide on a quote for the yearbook.
Instead of making something up, she was courageous enough to be blunt and say things as they are. And she heard the first time - there was absolutely no need to repeat yourself!
“Call Me Dadi”
One thing is for sure, this guy probably also didn’t have the best and easiest time with his surname. As we know, kids can really pick the weirdest things to make fun of someone, and this guy’s surname was really out there.
But the confident young man made the best out of the situation and came up with a hilarious joke.
Quoting Sirius Black
Being in school for 12 years is a very long time. Though they eventually pass through and senior year comes along, this girl decided to remind us just how long the journey is until she could finally share her yearbook quote.
And to do so, she chose to quote one of the best characters ever, Harry Potter’s godfather, Sirius Black.
The School Years Never End
Now here’s something that couldn’t be more true. Sure, many had fun finally getting to share their end of school quote, but the truth is that those who are going to college are just about to start the journey once again.
A few years more years of studying are waiting for them, and then some more years of working, and then it’s over. Depressing, isn’t it?
A Wise Man Once Said
We can’t ignore the fact that right below a quote from Cotton-Eye Joe, this student’s classmate quoted Maya Angelou, which makes things pretty hard to compete with.
But Daniel Edwards made it very difficult to not rate his yearbook quote as legendary, no matter how inspirational other people’s quotes may be. And we don’t even get to see what his face looks like!
“The Carper Matches The Drapes”
There is something about this quote and this student that we simply cannot unsee after we understand it. For those who are in doubt, the saying “the carper matches the drapes'' usually refers to a woman’s pubic hair being the same color as the hair on her head.
So if anyone was wondering at all, this guy has given the answer.
Approaching Serious Things With Humor
There are several ways one could react to this quote. Some may be uncomfortable, and some may find it hilarious, still, either of those reactions still makes this young girl very courageous.
She not only used her sense of humor to bring up a subject that is very controversial, but was also not afraid to say what she thinks out loud.
A Meme Turned Into Real Life
It’s so much fun to have a close friend that will literally choose to write a yearbook quote together. Take these two friends for example - they simply decided to take their favorite meme, make a play of words, and create a hilarious yearbook quote.
Side by side, the Spongebob fans shared yearbook quotes that will certainly be remembered by their classmates.
Out Of The Closet
It does seem like students making jokes about how long they stayed in the closet is much more common than we ever imagined. This guy, for example, used a reference to Narnia to bring up the subject of being in the closet.
According to him, he was in the closet for 17 years. Hopefully, now a life of freedom and love outside of the closet awaits him.
A Positive Mind With Negative Test Results
While this may be hilarious, if it is true, how positive can a person really be if they continue to get negative results on their tests?
Still, the guy’s positivity is to admire, and the fact that he chose to highlight that as his yearbook quote makes it even more impressive. Hopefully his future will give him more positive results.
"Why Can't I Just Eat My Waffle?"
With her yearbook quote, this girl decided to allude to the famous quote by Barack Obama from back in 2008.
During his campaign when he was still just a presidential candidate, the President dodged tons of questions by continuing to mention how much he just wanted to eat a waffle. He dropped a bunch of orange juice, waffle, and sausage comments, and the rest became history.
Thank You Google
Yep, younger generations will most definitely agree that Google and Wikipedia continued to push us through some of the most difficult times in school.
Thankfully, the answers to most questions we had could usually be answered by one of these platforms, so this guy decided to send through a public thank you note to the wonderful Google.